Proposed bikehangars for 2024/25

Part of: Cycle parking

As part of our 2024/2025 cycle parking works programme, we secured funding to install more Bikehangars in Haringey. Based on the funding available, we shortlisted 150 locations for consideration.

Outcomes of statutory consultation and works notice

Proposed bikehangars 2025/2024 batch 1

We consulted you in July 2024 regarding the possible introduction of cycle hangars (cycle parking storage) at various locations across the borough. On behalf of the council, we would like to thank all those who took the time to have their say and make their views known.   

Full details of all the comments can be found in the decision reports for the proposed cycle hangars.

As part of the decision-making process, we have considered all representations and now approved the introduction 28 of the proposed cycle hangars, with amendment to 3 of the locations. You can view the outcome of statutory consultation and works notice letter, and detailed plans for each site in the following documents.  

The installation works for these bikehangars are due to start on 13 January 2025 and we expect to be completed by 31 January 2025.

The council will carry out a statutory consultation on the revised proposal for 3 locations in March 2025.

Proposed bikehangars – 2023-24 batch 2 and 3 review

We consulted you in July 2024 regarding the possible introduction of cycle hangars (cycle parking storage) at various locations across the borough. On behalf of the council, we would like to thank all those who took the time to have their say and make their views known.  

Full details of all the comments can be found in the decision reports for the proposed cycle hangars.

As part of the decision-making process, we have considered all representations and now approved the introduction of the 20 proposed cycle hangars, with an amendment to 1 of the locations. You can view the outcome of statutory consultation and works notice letter, and detailed plans for each site in the following documents.

The installation works for these bikehangars are due to start on 6 December 2024 and we expect to be completed by 16 December 2024.

The council will carry out a statutory consultation on the revised proposal for 1 location in January 2025.

What we consulted on

Details of our bikehangars batch 1, batch 2 and batch 3 consultations.

Proposed bikehangars – batch 1

Statutory consultation for proposed bikehangars 2024/2025 (batch 1), to install 31 bikehangars at the locations outlined in the consultation letter and design plans:

Proposed bikehangars – batch 2

Statutory consultation for proposed bikehangars 2024/2025 (batch 2), to install 50 bikehangars at the locations outlined in the consultation letter and design plans:

As part of this, we are also consulting on revised proposals from previous consultation at 3 locations:

  • Linzee Road, N8
  • Cobham/Meads Road, N22
  • Seymoure Avenue, N17

Proposed bikehangars – batch 3

Statutory consultation for proposed bikehangars 2024/2025 (batch 3), to install 51 bikehangars at the locations outlined in the consultation letter and design plans: