Annual Carbon Report

Part of: Net zero carbon Haringey

We have produced a carbon report each year since 2012.

The report provides a year-on-year account of progress to reduce carbon emissions from:

  • council operations
  • Haringey as a whole

13th Annual Carbon Report 2023

Our 13th Annual Carbon Report details:

  • our projects and key achievements
  • our carbon reduction projects like the Haringey Community Carbon Fund
  • how we co-create and co-deliver projects for a green, inclusive, resilient and prosperous net zero Haringey
  • how we work together within the council and with all sections of the community to combat climate change

This year’s report also includes a section on climate adaptation and resilience, a glossary, and more information about our emission data sources.

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Haringey’s 2041 net zero carbon target – summary

As set out in our Climate Change Action Plan, we have a target for Haringey to be net-zero carbon by 2041.

Haringey’s emissions went down by 17% between 2015 and 2021.

In the latest year measured, emissions went up by 1.18% between 2020 and 2021.

Haringey's emissions for each person, and the increase in borough emissions for 2021, remain well below the London average and the average of our neighbouring boroughs.

Haringey Council’s net zero carbon 2027 target – summary

We’re committed to being a net zero carbon council by 2027. Our corporate carbon footprint continues to reduce.

Our emissions went down by 3% between 2021/22 and 2022/23. This means the total reduction since 2014/15 is 70%.

Previous reports

Download the previous annual reports:

Please contact us for older reports.

Contact the carbon management team

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