SENDCO forms and resources

SENDCO documentation, referral forms, guidance, and pathways.

Documents created by Haringey Council are the intellectual property of Haringey Council and may be used only within Haringey settings. Unauthorised use outside Haringey is prohibited.

SEND core standards

The SEND core standards outline Haringey Council's expected provision quality for pupils with SEND aged 4-19 in Haringey mainstream schools.

SEND Support in the early years 

Early Years SEND best practice guide

The Early Years SEND Best Practice Guide outlines the essential provisions and support that all Early Years settings in Haringey should have for children with SEND.

My Early Years support plan

The Haringey, 'My Early Years Support Plan', is a standardised template for documenting how settings implement the graduated response for children. While adaptable, it must retain key elements. The Early Years Best Practice Guide should inform the plan to ensure evidence-based support for children with SEND.

Early Years inclusion funding

Visit the Early Years SENDCOs webpage for information on funding. 

Early Years portage checklist 


SEND support guide for all schools

This guide has been produced by SENDCOs from local Haringey schools, working with specialist teachers, therapists, and children. It is designed to support all teachers. The provision described in this guide should be available in all Haringey schools and form their ordinarily available offer.

SEND support planning form

Child development centre


Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)

Speech and Language Therapy

Speech and Language Therapy works with children who experience difficulties around speech, language, attention, listening, interaction and alternative augmentative communication. They also work with those who have eating and drinking difficulties.

For more information, visit the NHS Speech and Language Therapy website

Speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) pathway

You can find lots of advice and guidance on how to support all children's communication skills here on the Get Talking Haringey webpage.

If you need more advice on how to support children who need a little more to develop strong communication skills (amber children), contact

Talk to your language support teacher or school therapist if you need to learn more about the pathway.

Parents/carers SLCN pathway guide for under 11-year-olds

Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH)

SEMH Pathway

This co-produced guide is designed to support schools in effectively addressing and nurturing children's social, emotional, and mental health needs. This document aims to provide a structured and comprehensive approach to creating a supportive and inclusive school environment.

Each step in this pathway ensures that the level of support is proportionate to the child's needs, aiming to provide the right help at the right time.

SEMH Graduated Response Provision Grid

The graduated response provision grid is a co-produced guide to assess and identify strategies, interventions, and support services by age range. It provides level-appropriate approaches for effective teaching, learning, and well-being support. The curriculum strategies are not prescriptive or exhaustive.

Language and Autism (LAST) 

Parenting programmes and support

Haringey's Parenting Team provide programmes and workshops for mothers, fathers and carers of children and young people living in Haringey or attending a Haringey school.

Visit the parenting programmes pages for more information and referral forms

The Cygnet programme

The Cygnet programme is for parents of children with a diagnosis of autism or children who present autistic traits.

This programme provides parents with support, information and extra strategies when responding to the needs of children with autism. Learn more on the specialist programme webpage.

Webster-Stratton parenting groups 

Led by professionals from the Educational Psychology Service (EPS) and CAMHS, the 12-14 weekly Webster-Stratton Parenting Groups aim to support parents/carers in building positive relationships and effective behaviour management strategies.

Referrals can be made by school SENDCOs, children's centre managers, CAMHS practitioners, educational psychologists, GPs and social care professionals.

All referrals must be discussed and agreed upon with parents/carers to ensure commitment to the 14-week programme. Please email referrals to:

For more information about the parenting group, visit the Haringey Incredible Years webpage.

Free consultation with a Haringey Educational Psychologist

Parents/carers concerned about their child’s development, learning, emotional well-being or behaviour can book a free 40-minute session with an educational psychologist. 

Education Health Care Plans (EHCP)

Guidance and processes for annual reviews

2024-2025 annual review timetables

Primary schools:

  • Reception: December, February
  • Year 1: January, February 
  • Year 2: October, November
  • Year 3: March, May
  • Year 4: April, May
  • Year 5: June, July
  • Year 6: September, November

Secondary schools:

  • Year 7: April, May
  • Year 8: February, March
  • Year 9: November, December, January
  • Year 10: June, July
  • Year 11: September, October

Forms and reports for annual reviews

Preparation for adulthood: 

Advice for Education, Health and Care Plans by Council for Disabled Children

Bandings and top-ups

Banding Descriptors

A new bandings and top-up system was put in place for children with SEND from September 2024.

Early Years

Band C

Children who fall within the Band C range have needs beyond the ordinary offer but for whom an EHCP is not necessary.

Haringey schools can apply for additional funding for these children. To learn more about the offer and how to apply download the Band C document below.

A panel of SENDCOs agrees upon Band C allocations. Panels take place on a Wednesday morning at 48 Station Road, N22 7TY.  

Schools have been allocated to a group based on their mainstream cluster and are expected to sit on the decision-making panel 3 times a year. You will also need to attend if you are requesting Band C funding.

Individual health care plans

The NHS Whittington Health team developed a summary to provide additional guidance on advice and support for individual health care plans for children and young people.

Occupational Therapy

The Children’s Occupational Therapy Service in Haringey helps children to be independent and to participate as much as possible in daily activities, such as going to school and playing with other children and self-care such as getting dressed, using the toilet or eating a meal.

Medicines policy for special schools

The policy was developed to support the safe and effective use of medicines throughout Haringey special schools integrated within Whittington Health NHS Trust (WH).

Adaptions and equipment guidance and loan agreement

Guidance and loan agreement form for Haringey educational settings on the provision of adaptions and equipment for children and young people with SEND.

Paediatric dentistry

Alternative provision

Resource library

Contact the Education Inclusion Team


Call or text on 07976 978099 if you have access requirements (term time only)

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