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The sky is the limit with Elevated Youth Haringey

On Tuesday 29 August, Elevated Youth Haringey set out to test the boundaries of what young people with SEND can achieve, ultimately discovering that such boundaries do not exist.

Their destination was the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, where they took on the exhilarating Dare Skywalk.

Andrew Ellul, one of the panel's members, said: "You can do anything you put your mind to."

He then fearlessly ascended 46.8 meters and had the opportunity to closely examine the iconic Cockerel mascot while enjoying breathtaking views of the capital city and the stadium's impressive bowl below.

To make this adventure even more special, Mark Leckie, the CEO of Tottenham Hotspur Foundation, led by example and accompanied some of the panel members. Elevated Youth unanimously expressed their pride in the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, a significant landmark in Haringey. However, this was the first time they had visited it.

The Tottenham Hotspur Foundation, fulfilled their wish to take on this adrenaline challenge, and the views were spectacular!

Image of 3 young people standing at the top of the Tottenham Dare Skywalk

Joshua Campbell, the newest member of Elevated Youth Haringey; Andrew Ellul, one of the first members; and Zakariya Ahmed, the youngest member.


Page last updated:

September 6, 2023