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Haringey Receives Youth Justice SEND Quality Lead Commendation

The Youth Justice Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Awards by Microlink PC have recognised Haringey's Youth Justice Service with the Quality Lead Status for Child First Commendation.

This award recognises partnerships that secure better outcomes for children and young people with special educational needs in the youth justice system.

Microlink PC works with justice service providers to improve education and life outcomes for individuals in the justice system. Their Youth Justice SEND Award ensure local partnerships achieve better outcomes for children with SEND involved in, or at risk of entering, the youth justice system.

In 2020, Haringey Youth Justice Service received the Quality Lead Award, which has been valid for three years. The service reapplied for the award  which was successful, awarding the service with the Child First Commendation, highlighting the following achievements by Haringey's Youth Justice Service over the past three years:

  • Child Participation: Children actively participate in staff recruitment, All-Party Parliamentary Groups, media production, logo design, and redecoration, emphasising the importance of developing self-identity.
  • Team Expansion: The co-located team now includes dedicated Speech and Language Therapist provision.
  • Strengthened Relationships: Collaboration with the SEND Service and Virtual School for looked after children has improved, ensuring continuous support for children beyond statutory age limits.
  • Police Liaison: Changes to the Wood Green Custody Suite provision have made it more child-friendly, with immediate positive intervention work. Every child entering the youth justice pathway receives a holistic assessment coordinated with educational services.
  • Preventative Work: Turnaround funding is used to deliver one to one support for children aged 12–16 in up to five schools with a focus on reducing suspensions and exclusions.
  • Accommodation Initiative: Haringey is a key partner in the London Accommodation Pathfinder initiative, a project to develop an integrated 24-hour supported accommodation alternative to youth custodial placement. The initiative aims to build life skills and local opportunities for training and employment.

Matthew Knights, Head of Service for Haringey's Youth Justice and Youth at Risk, commented, 

"I am delighted that the Youth Justice Service and Haringey Area Partnership, particularly the SEND service, have been recognised for their ongoing commitment to children open to our services. The partnership's strategic and operational approaches drive the Youth Justice Service's vision of ensuring that all children are treated as children first and our commitment to providing the best opportunities and outcomes for all children."

Visit Haringey's Youth Justice Service webpage for more information about their service.


Haringey's Youth Justice building with colourful painting co-produced by young people

The newly painted building of Haringey’s Youth Justice Service, co-designed by young people, reflects their views of living in Haringey and their aspirations.

Page last updated:

June 12, 2024